Libraries – THATCamp Florida 2017 UCF Downtown - February 25, 2017 Tue, 12 Jun 2018 15:47:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Play Session: Using the Aurasma App to Create an Augmented Reality Experience Sat, 25 Feb 2017 00:42:16 +0000

The Holi Festival in Indian society is approaching. As an Asian Studies and Religion online professor, I am interested in enhancing 2D images by applying an augmented reality overlay experience. The image turns into a heightened learning opportunity for both the instructor and student.

Attend this session to learn more about what augmented reality is, how to use it in a digital teaching experience, and how to use the Aurasma app to produce an augmented reality overlay by creating an aura. I am learning the process from scratch and want to share the opportunity with others who may find a good use for this application. Create an account at
